How to Play Cricket Darts


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How to Play Cricket Darts

Cricket darts is a popular variation of the traditional game of darts, offering a strategic twist that adds depth and excitement to the gameplay. Originating from the United Kingdom, cricket darts has gained widespread popularity in pubs, clubs, and tournaments worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned darts enthusiast or a newcomer looking to learn, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to play cricket darts like a pro.

Understanding the Basics

Before delving into the strategies and techniques of cricket darts, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental rules of the game. Cricket darts is typically played on a standard dartboard, which consists of numbered sections ranging from 1 to 20, along with the bullseye at the center.

The primary objective of cricket darts is to “close out” specific numbers on the dartboard by hitting them three times each. The numbers used in cricket are 15 through 20, along with the bullseye. Once a player has closed out a number, they “own” it, and their opponents cannot score points on that number. Additionally, hitting the triple or double sections of a number counts as multiple hits. The player who closes out all the numbers and has the highest score at the end of the game emerges victorious.

Setting Up the Game

To begin a game of cricket darts, players must decide on the number of sets and legs they wish to play. A standard game typically consists of multiple sets, with each set comprising a predetermined number of legs. For example, a common format might be best of five sets, with each set consisting of three legs.

Once the game parameters are established, players take turns throwing three darts each, aiming to hit the numbers they’ve chosen to target. The player who throws closest to the bullseye in a simple “closest to the bull” contest usually starts the game.

Mastering Strategy

While cricket darts shares some similarities with traditional darts, such as aiming for high-scoring areas and maintaining accuracy, it introduces unique strategic elements that set it apart. Here are some key strategies to keep in mind:

  • Focus on Closing Numbers: In the early stages of the game, prioritize closing out numbers rather than aiming for high scores. Once you’ve closed a number, your opponent cannot score points on it, giving you a significant advantage.
  • Strategic Shot Selection: Be strategic in your shot selection, especially when deciding which numbers to target. Focus on closing out numbers that are easier to hit or that your opponents have already closed. Additionally, aim for the triple and double sections to close numbers more quickly and accumulate points faster.
  • Defensive Play: Keep track of your opponents’ progress and adjust your strategy accordingly. If they’re close to closing out a number, consider targeting that number to prevent them from scoring points.
  • Utilize the Bullseye: Don’t overlook the importance of the bullseye. While closing out numbers is crucial, scoring points on the bullseye can quickly boost your score and give you an edge over your opponents.
  • Maintain Accuracy and Consistency: As with any dart game, accuracy and consistency are key to success in cricket darts. Practice regularly to improve your throwing technique and aim for consistent performance across all three darts.

Game Etiquette and Sportsmanship

In addition to mastering the rules and strategies of cricket darts, it’s essential to uphold good sportsmanship and observe proper game etiquette. Here are some tips to ensure a positive playing experience:

  • Respect Your Opponents: Treat your opponents with respect and courtesy, regardless of the outcome of the game. Avoid unsportsmanlike behavior such as gloating or taunting.
  • Keep Score Accurately: Pay close attention to the score and ensure that it’s accurately recorded after each turn. Clear communication and transparency are essential to maintaining a fair and competitive game.
  • Mind Your Throw: Be mindful of your surroundings and avoid distracting or disrupting other players while they’re throwing. Wait until your opponents have retrieved their darts before approaching the oche to throw your own.
  • Take Turns Gracefully: Allow each player their turn to throw without interruption or distraction. Avoid rushing or pressuring your opponents during their throw, and wait patiently for your turn.
  • Celebrate Successes Humbly: While it’s natural to feel excited about scoring points or closing out numbers, celebrate your successes with humility and respect for your opponents. Avoid excessive celebrations that may come across as disrespectful or unsportsmanlike.

By adhering to these principles of sportsmanship and etiquette, you can contribute to a positive and enjoyable gaming environment for yourself and your fellow players.


Cricket darts is a captivating and dynamic game that offers endless opportunities for skill development, strategy refinement, and friendly competition. Whether you’re playing casually with friends or competing in organized tournaments, mastering the art of cricket darts requires a combination of precision, strategy, and sportsmanship. By familiarizing yourself with the rules, honing your skills, and embracing the spirit of fair play, you can enjoy countless hours of fun and excitement on the dartboard. So gather your darts, sharpen your aim, and prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of cricket darts!